Pages by Date
- [2022-11-29] Lost and Found
- [2022-11-24] Line-Line Intersection
- [2022-11-21] Plotter Path Planning
- [2022-11-19] Line Joining and Deduplication
- [2022-06-09] N-Queens in Python
- [2022-03-28] Mouse Events on Images in Emacs
- [2022-02-16] Generative Art with HTML Tables
- [2021-11-30] Cyclic Paths on Sierpinski Graphs
- [2021-11-17] Finding Vertex Covers with Z3
- [2020-11-07] List Monad Quadtree Grammars
- [2020-11-02] Haskell Generative ASCII Art
- [2020-10-24] Canon EOS 4000D
- [2020-10-18] Kolmogorov Complexity
- [2020-10-01] Comparative Grammar
- [2020-09-15] Git
- [2020-09-06] Reading
- [2020-09-02] PostScript Flipbook
- [2020-08-27] Monad Transformers
- [2020-08-27] Components (fc)
- [2020-08-27] Parsec
- [2020-08-27] Haskell
- [2020-08-26] State Monad
- [2020-08-24] Interim OS
- [2020-08-14] PostScript Music Theory
- [2020-08-09] Toki Pona
- [2020-08-09] Now (html)
- [2020-08-07] Marking Headings As Cards (fc)
- [2020-08-06] Org Mode PostScript Source Blocks
- [2020-08-06] PostScript Quadtree Grammars
- [2020-08-05] PostScript
- [2020-08-05] Hydra (fc)
- [2020-08-05] Installation (fc)
- [2020-08-05] Dashboard (fc)
- [2020-08-05] Review (fc)
- [2020-08-05] Customizing Org-Fc (fc)
- [2020-08-01] PRNG Patterns
- [2020-08-01] Suspending Cards (fc)
- [2020-08-01] Card Types (fc)
- [2020-08-01] Review History (fc)
- [2020-08-01] Review Contexts (fc)
- [2020-07-29] Cache (fc)
- [2020-07-27] Publishing (zk)
- [2020-07-21] Emacs (config)
- [2020-07-21] System Setup (config)
- [2020-07-19] Hatching Test
- [2020-07-19] Extensions (fc)
- [2020-07-19] Use with Evil-Mode (fc)
- [2020-07-19] Performance (fc)
- [2020-07-19] Org Babel
- [2020-07-17] Emacs
- [2020-07-17] Org Mode
- [2020-07-17] Static Site Generator
- [2020-07-17] Minilogue with A Machine
- [2020-07-17] Cloze Deletions (fc)
- [2020-07-17] Repetition Spacing Algorithm (fc)
- [2020-07-17] Differences from Other Flashcard Systems (fc)
- [2020-07-17] Incubator (fc)
- [2020-07-17] Alternative Applications (fc)
- [2020-07-17] Org Flashcards (fc)
- [2020-07-14] Isometric Turtle
- [2020-07-09] Calendar View (zk)
- [2020-07-09] Linting (zk)
- [2020-07-09] Refactoring (zk)
- [2020-07-09] Task View (zk)
- [2020-07-09] Project View (zk)
- [2020-07-09] File View (zk)
- [2020-07-09] Backlink Buffer (zk)
- [2020-07-09] Org Zettelkasten (zk)
- [2020-07-09] Journal (zk)
- [2020-07-09] Dashboard (zk)
- [2020-07-03] Macros
- [2020-07-02] Lisp
- [2020-07-02] Turtle Graphics
- [2020-07-02] Lisp Turtle Graphics
- [2020-06-24] Cauchy Bound
- [2020-05-28] Heapsort
- [2020-05-23] Project Euler Runtimes
- [2020-05-22] QuakeC Assembler
- [2020-05-22] Hello World in QuakeC Bytecode
- [2020-05-22] QuakeC Bytecode Opcodes
- [2020-05-22] QuakeC
- [2020-05-22] QuakeC Bytecode Format
- [2020-05-19] Rolle's Theorem
- [2020-05-18] Euler Lisp Emacs Integration
- [2020-05-11] Context Free Grammars
- [2020-05-10] Learning Languages
- [2020-04-09] Programming Languages
- [2020-04-05] Desert of the Real
- [2020-03-11] Binary Trailing Zeros of Products
- [2020-02-20] Permutation City
- [2020-01-23] ASCII Art with Quadtree Grammars
- [2020-01-23] Org Flashcards
- [2020-01-05] Acme
- [2019-12-27] Stylesheet
- [2019-12-27] Org HTML Export
- [2019-12-20] Isometric Grammars
- [2019-12-15] Isometric Snowflakes
- [2019-12-11] Poisson Trees
- [2019-08-30] Isosphere
- [2019-08-22] Eulerlisp Language Documentation
- [2019-08-18] EulerLisp Benchmarks
- [2019-08-18] EulerLisp VM
- [2019-08-12] Emacs Flashcards
- [2019-08-09] Errors and Glitches
- [2019-08-08] Isometric Generative Grammars
- [2019-08-07] HTTP Status Code
- [2019-07-22] Flashcards
- [2019-07-22] Datenschutz (html)
- [2019-07-22] Isometric Stacks
- [2019-07-22] Isometric Octrees
- [2019-07-22] Index (html)
- [2019-07-22] StumpyPNG/GIF
- [2019-07-22] Raytracer
- [2019-07-22] Other Projects
- [2019-07-22] Euler Lisp
- [2019-07-17] Quadtree Grammars
- [2019-07-17] Isometric Flower
- [2019-07-11] Generative Art with Context Free Grammars
- [2019-06-16] Ratpoison (config)
- [2018-11-24] Computing with Pattern Substitution
- [2018-05-15] Sum of Binary Trailing Zeros
- [2017-12-14] Color Quantization with Genetic Algorithms
- [2017-12-10] Visualizing Sorting Algorithms
- [2017-09-05] Parsing Scheme with nom
- [2017-09-01] Infinite Prime Sieve in Lisp