Comparative Grammar


Table of Contents

Example Sentences

Personal Pronoun + Verb + Possessive Pronoun + Noun

1st singular.

Language Sentence
German Ich lese mein Buch.
English I read my book. ( I am reading my book.)
Spanish Yo leo mi libro.
Portuguese Eu leio meu livro.
French J'ai lu mon livre. (Form without 'ai possible?)

2nd person singular.

Language Sentence
German Du liest dein Buch.
English You read your book. ( You are reading your book.)
Spanish lees ti libro.
Portuguese Tu lees teu libro. (Not sure about the verb)
French Tu lis ton livre.

3rd person singular.

Language Sentence
German Er liest sein Buch.
English He reads his book. ( He is reading his book.)
Spanish Él lee su libro. (???)
Portuguese Ele seu libro.
French Il lit son livre.

Notes: Two english tenses are combined into one (progressive tense?)



Language Singular Plural
English the the
German der, die / das die, die, die
Spanish el, la los, las
Portuguese o, a os, as
French le / l', la / l' les, les

In English “an” is used before nouns beginning with a vowel sound , e.g. “an hour”.

In French “le” and “la” become “l'” before nouns beginning with a vowel or a mute “h”.

Spanish also has a neuter article “lo” used with ideas, beliefs and concepts.


Language Singular Plural
English a, an -
German ein, eine -
Spanish un, una unos, unas
Portuguese um, uma uns, umas
French un, une des, des

Plural forms of articles are used with plural nouns, similar to “some” in English.




Language 1st Person 2nd Person 3rd Person
English I you he, she, it, you
German ich ihr er, sie, es / Sie
Spanish yo tú / vos él, ella / usted
Portuguese eu tu ele, ela / você
French je, j' tu il, elle, on


Language 1st Person 2nd Person 3rd Person
English we you they
German wir ihr sie / Sie
Spanish nosotros (as) vosotros (as) ellos, ellas / ustedes
Portuguese nós vós eles, elas / vocês
French nous vous ils, elles

Direct Object


Language 1st Person 2nd Person 3rd Person
English me you him, her, it
German mich dich ihn, sie, es
Spanish me te lo, la
Portuguese me te o / a
French me / m' te / t' le / l', la / l'


Language 1st Person 2nd Person 3rd Person
English us you them
German uns euch sie
Spanish nos os los, las
Portuguese nos vos os / as
French nous vous les

Indirect Object

Language 1st Person 2nd Person 3rd Person
English me you him, her, it
German mich dich ihn, sie, es
Spanish me te le
Portuguese me te lhe
French me te lui


Language 1st Person 2nd Person 3rd Person
English us you them
German uns euch sie
Spanish nos os les
Portuguese nos vos lhes
French nous vous leur

TODO Example Sentences

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